Xtar VP4 - Charger for Li-Ion batteries incl. car adapter

Item number: 500219

: Xtar

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XTAR VP4 is an intelligent microprocessor-controlled charger with four independently functioning charging bays. Via a soft switch, the batteries can be charged with either 250mA, 500mA or 1000mA.
The Xtar VP4 can be operated with either the 230V mains adapter or 12V car charger cable. CE and ROHS certified charger.

Xtar VP4 - Charger for Li-Ion Batteries with 120° HD Display

The following Li-Ion battery types can be charged: Four batteries at a time: 10440 / 14500 / 14650 / 16340 / 16650 / 17500 / 17670 / 18350 / 18500 / 18650 / 18700
Two batteries at the same time Charging slot 1 and 4: 22650 / 25500 / 26650 / 20700 / 21700 / 32650
3.6V and 3.7V Li-Ion batteries

Product information:

  • selectable charging voltage of 0.25A, 0.5A, and 1A possible
  • Activation function for deep discharged batteries, VP4 can activate the over discharged protected batteries.
  • 120 ° HD screen for charging status, voltage and current display
  • Automatic restart of charging when the voltage of a battery remaining in the charging cradle drops below 3.9V.
  • Reverse polarity and short circuit protection
  • Over- and undervoltage protection
  • Temperature monitoring

Further information:

When one or two batteries are placed in the centre (charging slot CH2, CH3), the charging current is selectable from 0.25A to 0.5A for all slots. 
1A charging current is only provided for the two charging slots CH1 and CH4 (optimal for larger batteries from size format 22650 to 32650.)

Test report and manufacturer's page: www.BudgetLightForums.com http://www.xtarlight.com/xtar-VP4/

Safety instructions:

1. Appliance is for household use, keep away from water and moisture!
2. Disassembly and modification are strictly prohibited!
3. Please avoid short circuit.

Scope of delivery: Xtar VP4  Charger, 230V power supply,12V car charging cable.

Input 12.0V DC/1.0A
1A CC current 1000mA ± 80mA
0.5A CC current 500mA ± 50mA
0.25A CC current 250mA ± 30mA
Cut-off voltage 4.2V ± 0.05V
Operating temperature 0 °C - 40 °C


Storage temperature 0 °C - 60 °C
Length 147 mm
Width 115 mm
Depth 35 mm
Weight 218 g
Manufacturer link Xtar


DiThe above parameters are laboratory tested. Approximate values and may vary between torch/charger, batteries and environment.


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