Battery storage bag in 4 colours

Item number: 400431

: Efest

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Robust, padded bag for storing batteries or accessories.

The battery bag is a real alternative to storage boxes made of hard plastic. On the outside, the bag is covered with fine imitation leather. Inside, the bag is padded with flame-retardant fabric fibres and hard foam. A zip allows secure closing, so the contents of the bag are well protected from unexpected events. Carrying comfort, safety, as well as an elegant appearance speak for the bag.

Examples of use: 3x 18500, 3x 18650 cells, 2x20700/21700, 2x 26500, 2x 26650 cells etc.
Power supplies, cables, vaporizers, Liquids.

Dimensions and colour:
Inner dimensions LxWxH: 82 mm; 59 mm; 28 mm
Outer dimensions LxWxH: 96 mm; 70 mm; 40 mm
Available colours: Black, purple, Pink and red.

Scope of delivery: 1x battery bag, colour of your choice

Dimensions and colour:


Inner dimensions: L 82mm; w 59mm h 28mm
Outer dimensions: L 96mm, w=70mm, h=40mm
Available colours: Black, Lilla, Pink and Red



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